
Born Global, Connecting the World

SINGAPORE, June 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — As globalization grows, Chinese businesses are facing a new wave of going overseas. Recently, the two-day conference “The First International Conference of Chinese Overseas Enterprises and Industrial Conference of the Year 2024” was held National University of Singapore.

The conference, initiated by Wu Xiaobo Station again Jingdang Business Schoolhe invited more than 50 political and business leaders and representatives of business associations ASEAN countries will travel. About a thousand business representatives focused on the development of going overseas came together to focus on the trend and opportunities of going overseas. Among them, IC&D Inc. was invited by the organizer of the event to share the three principles and seven practices of the supply chain going overseas as a representative of the supply chain industry.

Think Deeply and Be Intentional

“Charger planes to come to the world to take orders” “10 years of the Belt and Road Initiative”… Based on the great demand and opportunities for economic transformation and improvement, Chinese enterprises going overseas is not just the development of one sector. business but also the inevitable trend of the present era.

IC&D Inc., which grew up in a special economic zone, not only served as a window to “attract investment” in the special zone in the 1980s but also started an import and export trading business earlier. From the beginning, it focused deeply on international genetics and became one of the pioneers of Chinese “outbound” enterprises; in the current era of increasing high-level openness, it is also one of the great helping forces Xiamen creating a new development pattern.

Relying on nearly 40 years of international business experience and the company’s collection of expertise in steel, pulp and paper, automotive, agricultural products, consumer goods, minerals, energy and chemicals, and emerging industries, IC&D Inc. summarizes and refines the “three principles and seven trends of the supply chain going global” from the perspective of the steel supply chain going overseas, providing strategic and strategic pointers for Chinese enterprises going overseas at the beginning or the first stage.

Globalization, specialization, and localization are three major principles that overseas businesses need to focus on. Analyzing the development cycle of C&D metal procurement business from commodity to commodity and from small to large, Cheng Dongfang, Deputy General Manager of C&D. IC&D Inc.believes that: “Enterprises going overseas should have the belief of ‘going out’ and not lose their way in a complex environment; they should have the ability to ‘expert’ to gain the importance of marketing in the global competition; they should have the business thinking of ‘making a place’ to solve obstacles according to local conditions.”

In the international business process, opportunities and challenges are intertwined. According to the opinion of C&D Inc.’s stock price supply chain business, they suggest that Chinese enterprises should pay attention to seven major ways to fight – “From global trade to regional trade” “From trade to logistics activities” “From supply chain to industrial chain” “From manufacturing to overseas” overseas to custom to overseas” “Talent is always the key” “Green and low carbon is always the trend” “The future is always full of imagination”.

Business representatives on the scene said they often felt that companies operating in the supply chain were “invisible and intangible”. By showing C&D Inc.’s stock price real conditions and experience, they felt the image of a reliable and victorious partner who “connects upstream and downstream, and connects home and overseas.”

Industry Monitoring and Supply Chain Management

It is understandable that IC&D Inc. is a core member organization of Company rating Xiamen C&D Corporationa “Fortune Global 500” company, committed to providing customers with a one-stop “LIFT service chain” solution covering the industry chain, including customized combinations of “Logistics” “Information” “Finance” “Trading” and other services. components, and is one of the “first National model companies for supply chain innovation and implementation”.

Currently, IC&D Inc. specializes in steel, pulp and paper, automobiles, agricultural products, consumer goods, non-metallic minerals, energy and chemicals, and mechanical and electrical industries, and has established business relationships with more than 170 countries and regions around the world.

In recent years, IC&D Inc. has continuously strengthened technology and capitalization, continuously improving the value of supply chain services through investment and material support, building differentiated competitive advantages, and achieving continuous growth in scale and its benefits.

Cheng Dongfang said: “Seizing new opportunities for international development, actively integrating the new development pattern of regional economic development and the dual circulation of domestic and foreign countries, IC&D Inc. will continue to adhere to the spirit of open cooperation, continuously improve the sharing of resources, strengthen the cooperation of the industrial chain, and enhance the benefits of the value chain, provide high-quality, efficient and reliable services to global customers, and jointly write a new chapter of open integration. , mutual benefit and win-win.”

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