
How to Use a Grill Basket for Veggies

Learn how to use a vegetable grill basket to make the best grilled vegetables! A grill basket can help make questionable vegetables easier, because they don’t fall through the cracks!

If you love grilled vegetables as much as I do, then you’ll really love the convenience and ease of using a grill basket to do this job. That’s why I’m sharing my step-by-step guide on How to Use a Vegetable Grinding Basket, as well as my favorite roasted vegetable recipe.

I live in California, I grill vegetables year round; I just change the variety of vegetables depending on the season. Some of the best vegetables for grilling include eggplants, summer squash, onions, peppers, asparagus, potatoes, mushrooms, cauliflower, winter squash, sweet potatoes, winter squash, potatoes, broccoli, and sprouts. Brussels, but you can choose more than these options.

The roasting action brings about a caramelization process, which is why they are so delicious and versatile in many recipes. All you have to do is prepare the grilled vegetable marinade, spread it over your prepared vegetables, transfer it to the grill basket, and grill away! You can use grilled vegetables as a simple side-dish, as well as a topping for pasta, salads, grain dishes, pizza, and sandwiches.

Grilled vegetables were finished using the grill basket.

I got my grill basket a few years ago, and I just love it! Now, I have several different types of grill baskets. The best thing about grill baskets is that they can hold a lot of vegetables and allow heat to pass through the grids in the basket to allow for grilling, yet all of my favorite vegetables don’t fall through the cracks of the grill, or stick to them. the grill. And you can simply shake it or toss it with tongs to keep turning the vegetables, which means you don’t need to use as much oil. In fact, if you avoid added fat in your diet, this is a great way to grill your vegetables. Check out the full roasted vegetable recipe shown here.

Try this recipe for Orzo Salad with Roasted Vegetables for the first place to grill vegetables in a grill basket.
Fresh vegetables, ready to put in the grilling basket!

Get the complete recipe for this Herb Roasted Vegetables here.

Step by step guide:

Choose your favorite seasonal vegetables to grill. Some of my favorites (pictured above) are: broccoli, zucchini, carrots, sweet potatoes, peppers, and red onions. Tip: Small vegetables, such as mini zucchini, eggplant, and carrots are great for grilling. About 3 pounds of chopped fresh vegetables will make about 8 servings.
Wash and cut vegetables for roasting. Try cutting small vegetables in half lengthwise for roasting, and cutting onions, peppers, and sweet potatoes into wedges.
Arrange vegetables in a 9 x 13-inch pan.
Prepare a marinade for the grilled vegetables with lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, fresh herbs (if desired, I have oregano, tarragon, and thyme from my garden here), salt and pepper.
Mix the marinade in a small bowl.
Spread the marinade over the fresh, chopped vegetables.
Spread the marinade over the vegetables by tossing them with tongs. Marinate for about 1 hour before grilling, tossing with tongs from time to time.
Heat the grill over medium heat, and place the grill basket on the grill racks.
Transfer the vegetables with tongs to the grill basket. Keep any marinade in the bottom of the bowl.
Grill over medium heat until the vegetables are tender and golden brown, without overcooking. Brush with marinade reserved during grilling.
Turn the vegetables with tongs or shake the grill basket, allowing the vegetables to get an equal amount of time. Some vegetables will cook quickly, so you can remove those that are done and allow the others to continue cooking. It may take 45 minutes to cook vegetables, such as potatoes and carrots, while other soft vegetables, such as mushrooms, cook faster.
When the vegetables are grilled to your satisfaction, remove from the grill basket, and serve.

Get the complete recipe for this Herb Roasted Vegetables here.

Check out my quick little video of grilling vegetables using a grill basket in my backyard.

For more plant-based recipes that are great for the grill try these:

Chopped peaches with basil
Edamame Grain Vegan Burgers
Grilled Sesame Tofu
Grilled Nectarine Salad with Citrus Ginger Dressing
Roasted Shishito Peppers with Lemon and Cilantro
Lemon Herb Roasted Artichokes
Grilled Corn and Tofu Salad

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