
How will Fearnley prepare to face Djokovic?

How can a player prepare to face Novak Djokovic on Center Court at Wimbledon?

Briton Jake Fearnley has had to answer that question since advancing to the second round on Tuesday to secure a place in the biggest event of his career. According to coach Juan Martin, who worked with Fearnley for two years at Texas Christian University, it was a team effort.

Fearnley has a great team around him, including Martin, Tennis Scotland coach Toby Smith, LTA coach Mark Hilton and TCU coaches Devin Bowen and David Roditi. The LTA’s fitness team and analytics team were also among those involved in helping Fearnley prepare for 24-time major champion Djokovic.

“Toby and Mark are still very involved, but even Jake agrees that it’s better if he only has one voice. All the coaches talk together and I work as a filter,” said Martin. “So far, we have agreed on everything. I just communicate with Jake and whatever the team thinks.”

Before last month’s Nottingham ATP Challenger Tour event, Fearnley had never won a match at that level. He will now step onto Center Court at 1:30pm on Tuesday to play the man who has lifted the trophy at The Championships seven times.

“It’s very exciting. I think almost every tennis player, talks about how he is going to play Novak. That’s just what you do. I think there are a lot of things that can be done on how to prepare to play against Novak. “Obviously there’s not a lot of accurate information because the guy just puts it at the absolute limit,” said Martin. “But to be honest, we’ve got our plan right and we’re going to try our best and Jake is going to go out and try to bring his game, bring it to him and see what happens.”

Fearnley will focus on himself and play the game to the best of his ability. For nearly two decades, Djokovic has frustrated opponents with his solid ground play and well-timed bursts. There is no plan for the home favorite to try to outdo Djokovic the man himself.

“[Jake] you have a great game. “His game is very aggressive, which I think matches what Novak does to you,” said Martin. “I think you have to be aggressive, you can’t just start dating a guy. He has a good game to play I think Novak, that’s why I think he needs to focus on himself, do his thing and compete.

“We know what Novak wants to do, but you need to focus on yourself. I don’t think he’s going to beat him at his own game doing what he’s doing. He is probably the best tennis player to ever step on the court. So I think you just need to take your game to the limit. It’s up to us to see what we can do.”

There is also the mental problem of standing at the net for Djokovic. A few months ago, Fearnley was playing college basketball in the United States. He is now facing a 98-time tour ranking that is watched by millions of fans around the world.

“I think that when you pick up a racquet as a child, it is your dream to play on this court against Roger, Rafa or Novak. That’s pretty much what you want, what you dream of as a child. I think that college is a good way to prepare for that because there is a lot of pressure, a lot of competition. Your game is make it or break it,” said Martin. “I think you just need to come from a place of gratitude and joy.”


According to Martin, Fearnley told him how excited he was about the opportunity. The coach remembers: “He was just telling me yesterday, ‘Hey mate, if you would have told me that I would be playing Novak on Central Court at Wimbledon in five months, I wouldn’t have told you the way’. It is clear that he is incredibly happy, he is ready for the future. Really looking forward to it. And he has a great team and great friends and family behind him. “

Fearnley said in a press conference after his first round win: “The biggest match of my life so far. Just being able to share the field with a player like that will be really special.”

The plan is for the 22-year-old to head to Aorangi Park at 9:45 a.m. to prepare his equipment, fix his shoes, ankle bracelets, wrist bands, grips and anything else he needs. At 10, he will begin to warm up with some movement work and develop his explosive movements. Fearnley will then practice from 10:30 to 11:30 am, eat a light lunch and be ready to go to court at 1:30 pm.

As Martin said, this is the time children dream about.

“You are still young. He still has a long way to go,” said Martin. “But you are very clear, you have come to win and we will fight for you.”

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