
Success secrets with Paul Hudson, CEO of Sanofi, a leader driving AI to find the next pharma wonder drug

The CEO Agenda provides unique insights into how leaders think and lead and what keeps them engaged in a world of constant change. We look into the lives, minds and agendas of the CEOs of the world’s most prominent companies.

Paul Hudson, CEO of Sanofi, works in a dynamic business. The pharma sector has been very profitable for many decades, and its weight in the economy has grown steadily. But for individual companies, to borrow a phrase from the late Oscar winner Marie Dressler: “You’re only as good as your last picture” – or, in this case, your latest blockbuster drug.

Hudson also joined Sanofi, a leading French pharmaceutical company, just before the biggest global public health crisis of the century. He became CEO in June 2019. Six months later, COVID appeared in China, and later, around the world. In those early days of his administration, Sanofi was not in action. Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and Roche have all developed their vaccines or diagnostics in a few short months. Sanofi got in on the action but faded into the background when its COVID vaccine efforts faltered.


Sanofi’s ranking in the 2023 Fortune 500 Europe

But the world of pharma is always changing, and so is Sanofi. In 2022 and 2023, updates on trials and regulatory responses to Sanofi’s new asthma treatment caused its shares to rise and fall, as did regulatory involvement in planned acquisitions of Sanofi. Today, its share price has increased by more than 15% compared to 5 years ago. And Hudson patiently however patiently built the Sanofi of tomorrow.

In a Good luck dinner in 2023, he and I discussed what AI will mean for business. He was not sure that there would be a revolution; I was skeptical. As you’ll read in Hudson’s answers below, the British CEO has been doubling down on his use of AI, and it’s starting to pay off—Sanofi is today a leader in AI.

This interview is planned to be short.

Under the business

Luck: What global news story is on your mind?

Paul Hudson: In the world we live in today, it is impossible to choose one. As is often the case, we are facing a “perrmacrisis” or a prolonged period of instability and insecurity. As we continue to see increased polarization around the world, it is surprising to see that the global issues at stake are more interconnected than ever.

What is the single most important project you are working on with your company?

At Sanofi, we are at the heart of a modern company – everything from our science to our manufacturing to our culture. Driving much of our modernization is our desire to be the first biopharma company powered by Artificial Intelligence at scale. That means we fully embrace the power of AI across our value chain to harness the pace of scientific discovery, improve our productivity and put the intelligence for better decisions in the hands of our people. We always have a goal of accelerating scientific breakthroughs so that we can quickly innovate for patients.

Driving much of our modernization is our desire to be the first biopharma company powered by Artificial Intelligence at scale.

What long-term trend do you focus on in society and the economy as a whole? Which one worries you the most?

It won’t come as a surprise, but I’m betting big on AI. It is here to stay and I believe that if we use it responsibly and ethically, AI will bring about positive changes in our world in ways we cannot yet imagine.

A trend we should all be concerned about is climate change. Although progress is being made, it has been overwhelming. Increased cooperation is needed, and urgently, within and across industries for a sustainable world. A classic example: healthcare systems as a whole are responsible for 5% of carbon emissions, and half of those emissions are produced “downstream” by delivering care to patients. It will take all of us – industry, governments, healthcare workers, hospitals, patients – working together to find long-term solutions.

Paul Hudson starts every morning with coffee.

Stefania Pelfini, La Waziya Photography via Getty

If you were an economic policy maker, what would be most important to you in Europe?

Achieving EU health autonomy. Health care is an important sector of European security but remains underfunded due to lack of funding. In R&D in particular, it is often associated with complex regulatory barriers, among others. Europe already has a strong foundation of health innovation with world-leading science, innovative ecosystems, and strong biological communities. What is needed now is a concerted effort by all stakeholders to bring Europe back as a healthcare leader and regain competitiveness in healthcare innovation.


What time do you wake up, and what part of your morning routine sets you up for the day?

I wake up around 6:30/7:00 am My morning routine definitely includes coffee and checking in on my family, before I start catching up on email.

What time do you work? Do you continue to send emails at night and/or on weekends?

I’m a night owl and I don’t mind working late. Saturdays are reserved for family time and personal time as much as possible, and I usually use Sundays to prepare for the week ahead.

Managing My Life: My Autobiography by Alex Ferguson
Hudson shares the strategy of Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson and draws inspiration from his life story.

What apps or methods do you use to be more productive?

The app I use every day, plai, is made for Sanofi. It’s like AI in your pocket, giving me – and all our employees – access to millions of aggregated data points from across the organization in real time. Having that kind of insight at my fingertips means I can make better, faster decisions, and spot potential challenges or opportunities in seconds.

Who is on your “personal” board?

My three children, because they keep me on my toes. Through their eyes I get a glimpse of what the future looks like for the next generation, which helps me as a leader today. Then a good friend from the university (Manchester Metropolitan University), to keep me focused on what is important in life; a data scientist, to help me lead with insight and not bias; and a CEO from a completely different industry, with different ideas about leadership.

Personal discovery

What book have you read, recently or in the past, that inspired you?

Managing My Life by Alex Ferguson.

Paul and his Olympic heroes:

Paris, France, 17 July 2023. The Sanofi team during the Paralympics World Championships at the Charlety Stadium.
Sanofi athlete Ezra Frech (L), Paul Hudson and athlete Dany Dann at the Charlety Stadium in Paris.

© Bambasi / Courtesy of Sanofi

Paul Hudson (C) and Sanofi athlete, Ellie Challis at the Sanofi office in Paris.
Paul Hudson (C) and Sanofi athlete, Ellie Challis (R) at the Sanofi office in Paris.

© Fisheye / Courtesy of Sanofi

If you could ask your idol one question, who would it be, and what would you ask?

It would be Sir Alex Ferguson, the legendary coach of Manchester United whom I consider a true example of leadership. My question will be about his amazing ability to keep everyone on the team connected and committed, not only in the tough times, but also in the winning times and how he managed to keep the performance levels high and consistent.

As a consumer, which company do you prefer and why?

It’s hard to pick one, but I would say Apple for their consumer-centric thinking, seamless user experience across all products and the ability to drive a clear vision.

Apple Vision Pro headset
Hudson’s favorite company is Apple.

Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Who is your Olympic hero, current or past?

Team Sanofi athletes who will give their all at the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games: Valériane Ayayi, Amandine Buchard, Ellie Challis, Dany Dann, Ezra Frech, Nantenin Keita, Yul Moldauer, Lauren Rowles. This group of inspiring people has joined us in our partnership with the Paris 2024 Games, promoting diversity, inclusion, and shared values ​​between science and sport.

The CEO Agenda provides unique insights into how leaders think and lead and what keeps them busy in an ever-changing world. We look into the lives, minds and agendas of the CEOs of the world’s most prominent companies.

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